The Pseudo Maverick

Originally posted on ELIXIR:
? Wisps of smoke curled up to the ceiling through half parted lips. Her brain was too addled to think clearly through the curtain of thick smoke and the reek of alcohol pervading the room. How long has it been since she had been lying on her bed? An hour? Two? She lost track of time.…

A Different Story?

The song was perfect, and so was the night. The glass ceiling afforded them a beautiful view of the stars stretched on the velvety expanse of the sky. They danced together, their steps falling into place with the beats of the song perfectly. The heels of her stilettos and his boots clicked together on the marble floor. There…

Toward Oblivion

She walked onto the stage, fully dressed. Her snow coloured ballerina dress made her look elegant; as elegant as a ten-year old could look. The audience waited with eager faces to see the child prodigy’s solo piece. She bowed at the audience; as low as her small body would permit. She bowed a little lower…

All Things Dark

The elevator chimed and stopped on the ground floor. There were three people – two men and a lovely lady – waiting to get on the empty elevator. A burly man pushed open the rusty, collapsible gates of the elevator, thus piercing the silence of the empty ground floor with a screeching sound. All three…

A Little Of Everything

And so we are all a little lost under this city of stars, hoping against hope that the apocalypse doesn’t hit while we’re still wide awake. We are all a little hopelessly searching for love, to twirl and swirl in its colours before the monochrome hits and threatens to topple our paper boats. We are…

Wishful Thinking

The rain clouds today had gathered and settled themselves in the vast expanse of the sky, waiting for opportune moments to shed their burden of rain. Of course, their opportune moments never clashed with ours and it so happened that they decided to bestow us with rain on the precise moments we needed to stay…

The Travelling Merchant

1. The winter day is at its close. The sun is slowly sinking beneath the layers of clouds and into its safe haven somewhere deep into the horizon. I sit alone in the open lawn of this dainty little cafe and wonder about the secrets that the golden orb holds; the secrets that die each…

Unnoticed. Unheeded.

The room was cold. The constant rain outside felt colder. For the first time in my life I dreaded the raindrops. For the first time I did not enjoy the drizzle. I looked at the long fingernails of my left hand. They were painted purple and were resting on the skin of my right forearm….

Because I Leave, Always

Even two years back I had desperately wanted to leave; to escape from the chains binding me tight to a place I had grown to despise more than anything else. Little did I know however, that my longing to leave would one day grow so strong and dominant that I would forget staying. Make no mistake,…

On The Other Side

The world is a cruel place existing solely because some people still believe in magic and miracles. That’s a truth we all know. Just like the simple truth that clowns make us laugh. They put on funny masks and put up funnier acts to make us forget the world for a while and laugh till…

Finding The Boy Who Knew

Dear daughter, on your tenth birthday, There are some things I want to make you aware of and advice against. You’re ten now and I think that is enough. That is enough growing up for you. I have heard you frolic around the house chanting the things you would do when you grow up. But…

Will You Listen?

The crimson sun setting in the distance with a promise to return the next day; the calm lake quivering with the kiss of the golden red rays that bear the orb’s promise to return; the soft winds brushing past the scene, capturing it in its invisible frames; these are the scenes that once used to…